Greg Smith Recognized with International Award for Decades of Scholarship and Teaching

His teaching in clinical anatomy and his devotion to Gael students has opened futures for anatomists, 卫生保健提供者, 健康教育工作者. Now that work has brought gratitude and accolades from his peers.

by 迈克•琼斯营销办公室 & 通讯| 2023年8月1日

The American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA) showed its appreciation for decades of exemplary service by presenting the R. 小本顿·阿德金斯. 圣玛丽大学教授获杰出服务奖 格雷戈里·R. 史密斯女士. 2003年开始, 这个奖项是为了纪念阿德金斯而设立的, a founding member of the AACA who worked to promote the Association and its aims. The award was officially presented to Smith at the 40th annual meeting of the AACA on July 12 in Orlando.

“It’s a tremendous honor to be recognized by such a distinguished group of clinicians, 院士, 和教育工作者, 还有来自世界各地的解剖学家,史密斯说.

Smith also notes that his association with AACA over the years has been valuable in his own professional success. “I continue to benefit from this group, so giving back to them has been easy to do,他说. 在他领导或共同领导的其他AACA活动中, 史密斯在十大正规网赌平台主持了2004年的年会, 欢迎来自18个国家的代表. 他还在奥克兰和旧金山共同主持了AACA会议, reviewing abstracts and overseeing other aspects of the meetings. “尽管这几年我们做了很多工作, I see it as a way of paying things forward to an organization that’s been so good to me.”

The award from the AACA is the latest professional and academic accolade Smith has received. He was awarded Teacher of the Year twice—by Saint Mary’s Class of 1996 and 1997—and the Teaching Excellence Award in 2020. He is also the founder of the Northern California Society of Anatomists and served as its president 1983–91. His professional appointments include the California State Anatomical Advisory Board—which oversees the state's Willed-Body Program—where he has been a member since 2010. 

教授. 格雷格·史密斯赢得了R. 小本顿·阿德金斯. Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA) for his decades of exemplary service. / Gerry Serrano摄

Smith has given numerous invited lectures across the world on various topics relating to human adaptation, 解剖变异, 以及生物功能. He holds a BS in Zoology from the University of California – Davis and an MS in Human Anatomy from California Polytechnic State University, 圣路易斯奥比斯波.


作为一名十大网赌平台,致力于教学, Smith says one of the most satisfying aspects of his decades-long tenure at Saint Mary’s has been keeping in touch with so many former students. 许多, 他骄傲地注意到, 已经成为“令人难以置信的医疗保健提供者和教育者”,” including a current Bay Area radiologist who still returns to campus to assist with Smith’s Advanced Anatomy course.

Not surprisingly, Smith has seen SMC change and evolve over the years. Originally hired to create the anatomy and physiology courses for the College’s bachelor of science in nursing degree program—discontinued some years back—he now has offered to assist the task force working to reestablish and reinvent nursing as an academic program at Saint Mary’s. “I’ve seen it come full circle, and I’d love to help in any way I can,他说.

尽管发生了变化, Smith said that small class sizes and the bonds instructors are able to forge with students remain among the unique characteristics that set Saint Mary’s apart from other institutions. “我们的实验室不是由助教教的, 但是教职工,他指出, “所以我们非常了解我们的学生.”

他讲了一个以前的学生的故事 凯西·汉森,90届,08届MBA—currently the director of trauma and transfer services at John Muir Health. 她第一次上史密斯的课, Hansen expressed shock and delight as when she asked a question in class and realized her professor actually knew her name—as well as that of everyone else in the class. After earning her Bachelor of Applied Science degree from Saint Mary’s, she returned to earn her Master’s in Business Administration and Management in 2008. 她和史密斯保持着联系.

史密斯以前的很多学生, 他骄傲地注意到, 已经成为“令人难以置信的医疗保健提供者和教育者”,” including a current Bay Area radiologist who still returns to campus to assist with his Advanced Anatomy course.

Smith also credits the unwavering support of his department chairs and school deans for his success at Saint Mary’s. “They’ve always given me the freedom to create the kinds of courses I want to teach, 我从不认为这是理所当然的,他说.

今天, Smith teaches two undergraduate courses at Saint Mary’s: a lower-division class for health science majors hoping to become physical and occupational therapists, and an upper-division class for potential medical students that focuses on hands-on dissection of human cadavers. He says there are “only a handful” of colleges around the country that offer such a course.

“I truly believe that my students should have experiences here at Saint Mary’s that would be difficult to find at other institutions,史密斯说. “无论是他们能够与导师共度的时间, 他们教育的个人性质, 或者他们可以得到个性化的帮助和关注, they should leave here feeling that their experience as a Gael was special and worthwhile.” 

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