用他们自己的话说:Jesus Jimenez ' 24关于为双语学生创建更好的支持系统

He’s president of Men’s Club 排球. He has wanted to be a teacher since childhood. 他希望在一所双语学校任教,重点是支持年轻人, 非英语为母语的学生——就像他刚到美国时一样.

by Sam Nobile ’25, Student Writer | March 4, 2024

In Their Own Words 是一个系列节目,我们会向你介绍盖尔人,你需要与学生见面吗, 校友, 教师, and staff—and let them tell their stories, in their own words.

满足 Jesus Jimenez ’24, a senior student majoring in 正义, 社区, 和领导能力,重点是多学科教师教育. He’s also president of Men’s Club 排球. Deeply passionate about teaching, 希门尼斯从高中开始就作为一名学生教授和辅助课程, 他计划在从事教育行政和政策制定工作之前,先教小学生.

From Guanajuato to Brentwood

I’m originally from Guanajuato, in the middle of Mexico. My family lived there until I was 12. 然后我们搬到了布伦特伍德,离圣玛丽大约40分钟的路程. 我上了一个星期的五年级,但我直到六年级才真正开始上学. 我的弟弟从一年级开始,我的妹妹从四年级开始. It was pretty challenging. I didn’t know any English when I got here. Right from the start I had to work fast to learn, because none of my immediate family spoke English either. 我和我的兄弟姐妹们必须为我们的父母翻译西班牙语, which I was mainly responsible for. 我还记得我负责帮助我的兄弟姐妹做作业, in addition to doing mine. It’s been almost 11 years since we came. My siblings and I are fluent in English now.

It all comes back to teaching

我所走的道路是校园教学道路的一部分. 我正在努力取得小学教师资格证书. 正义, 社区, 《十大正规网赌平台》带我们了解教育的社会公正方面, which means looking at teaching through those frameworks. As of now, I hope to teach students in first or second grade.

在小学的时候,人们会问我:“你长大后想做什么??” my answer was always, “Teacher.“我探索了其他课程,寻找我喜欢的其他东西. But eventually, I would always go back to teaching, or think, If only I could teach about this… For example, I really like biology. 有一段时间,这是我的第二专业选择——尽管我发现自己在想,我可能真的很想成为一名生物老师. 

The road to SMC

我知道圣玛丽是因为高中的一个教学学院. For my senior year, they brought us here on tour. 我的两位高中老师毕业于我现在所在的同一个项目, 他们告诉我圣玛丽学校有一个非常好的教学项目. 尽管有时我不得不熬夜做作业,但这是值得的. After the last day of class, when we had finished a semester-long research project, our professor asked us what we liked about it, and students gave her honest feedback. 我觉得诚实对我在圣玛丽的经历影响很大, even if it's challenging. 

Introductions to student teaching

我的高中有三个不同的学院——一个是科学学院,一个是艺术学院,还有一个是教学学院. 它最初是一种与教学相关的有趣体验, but over time it became more like an internship. We started by taking courses on teaching, then we’d go into elementary school classrooms helping teachers, and then eventually, in my senior year, we started teaching shorter versions of our own lessons. 我们必须亲自给孩子们上一课,这也是我们自己计划好的. 这意味着收集所有的教学材料,并从课程中给指定的活动打分. It was an intense experience as a high school student, 但它为我后来在圣玛丽做的很多工作做了准备. When I got here and I had to do more teaching work like that, it wasn’t something I was worried about.

Jesus Jimenez 排球 Portrait
24岁的Jesus Jimenez在最近的男子排球俱乐部比赛中防守. / Photo courtesy Jesus Jimenez

排球 and coaching

I found volleyball my last year of middle school, through P.E. Before that, I had no idea volleyball even existed. I had the same coach through middle school and high school, 也是她让我多去俱乐部打排球的. 在圣玛丽学校,这是一种放松和享受乐趣的方式. 我已经执教过几支球队——我刚开始效力的那支中学球队, and some club teams. It’s definitely something I want to do in the future.

How JCL Fosters Close Relationships

我在SMC认识的一个人是我的JCL教授, Suzanne Schmidt. Every year I've had at least one class with her. 这很特别,因为我和她建立了一种联系,以至于我不需要去和她谈论学校的事情. She will ask me, “How's your student teaching going? How are you doing?” It's more of a personal connection at this point. 在课堂上得到这样的支持真的很好,而且还能和她一起跟进课堂作业.

A dream of supporting bilingual students

我现在就读的学校,位于康科德的梅多家园小学,是一所双语学校. 直到去年我们被介绍到双语学校,我才知道它. 当我走进教室的时候,老师正在滔滔不绝地讲西班牙语, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, especially as a kid who moved here from Mexico. 但现在我在一所双语学校教书,感觉很棒. 孩子们用两种语言学到了很多东西,看到这一点真的很酷. 

That experience really opened up my path a little more. My mom was also a teacher when our family lived in Mexico. 我告诉她,我不想成为那种退休后还在教书的老师. 我想做大约5到10年的教学,然后希望在我的学校从事教育政策制定方面的工作. 学校一直把重点放在让英语学习者参加英语语言发展课程上,作为支持这些学生的主要方式, but there is no support offered to them outside of school. This is a major issue, 尤其是当学生仍然需要完成家庭作业的时候, despite not having anyone at home who is literate in English. 我希望能帮助改变这种状况,为不会说英语的学生提供更好的支持. 

阅读更多: 用他们自己的话说:Gabrielle Ly '24看到艺术史在她的未来


最佳教师:Annalouisa Gonzalez-Ortega因支持高中第一代学生而被评为年度最佳教师

Sam Nobile ’25 她正在圣玛丽中学学习英语,并在营销与传播办公室担任学生作家.